Program Overview

There are few guarantees in the workplace today, but change is one of them. This training is important in today’s professional world as organizational change is more the norm rather than the exception. Organizations move through a number of identifiable stages as they grow and develop. In some cases these changes are planned, in others they are unplanned. Sometimes the forces for change come from within the organization and at other times they will be caused by external forces or influences. The need for organizations to meet and to cope with changing conditions requires innovation, creativity and flexibility. This course will help develop the skills and knowledge required to promote the use and implementation of innovative work practices to effect change and manage changes so there is minimal work place disruption.

At the program’s conclusion, participants will have an understanding of the process of change, how they can be a positive force in driving that change. And best practices for implementing change in an organization.


2 - Day Program

Learning Objectives

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe ways of reacting to change.
  • See change not as something to be feared and resisted but as an essential element of the world/ organization to be accepted
  • Understand that adapting to change is not technical but attitudinal
  • Recognize that before they can embrace the way things will be, they must go through a process of grieving and letting go of the way things used to be.
  • See change as an opportunity for self- motivation and innovation
  • Identify strategies for helping change to be accepted and implemented in the workplace
  • Participant will have an understanding of the process of change, how they can be a positive force in driving that change
  • Best practices for implementing change in an organization

Target Audience

Any professional who is an adult learner within the organization, including: management team members, operation staff, coordinators, stakeholders, customer service managers and staff/ personnel and all other professionals

Training Course Outline


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